The Struggles of an Ethnic Minority: Mental Health


I love this with a burning passion. A must read.

Momina Ullah

‘What on earth is mental illness?’- a strange concept. It ‘doesn’t exist’, which is the main issue.

It’s one thing to dismiss an illness to prevent the idea of the ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’. But, dismissing its existence is a whole other story- the main issue within communities of POC (People of Colour).

I’ve had this discussion with many of my friends that are POC. South Asians are slightly similar to Black people in the sense that they are mentally resilient. If we take our parents as an example they’ve been raised with a fixed mindset, ‘deal with the issue’. You’ll see a lot of our elders they manage tragedies and difficult situations with so much resilience because of how they’ve been raised. Obviously, you would have people amongst our elders that suffer mental illnesses and unfortunately they would be disregarded, or undermined and labelled ‘crazy’. But, I’m comparing the elder generation raised…

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It’s Okay

spiritual goodness

Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


I am sitting on my bed, listening to a youtube video. Suddenly, it hits me, I am a failure. I have not done anything to help anyone, I have never inspired anyone, I have never made anyone feel loved, or appreciated. Surely, I understand what it feels like to be damaged. So I want to help a damaged person, with all that I know and the little wisdom that I have. There are times when I look at my friends, and I see that they are way ahead of me, even though I am older than them, I’m still behind. I can’t stop myself from comparing my achievements to theirs.